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Friday, January 15, 2010


I can say, school is only full of homework, homework and homework.

I joined the blue house, girl guides, choir and volleyball. bleh, all boring clubs xcept for choir since they will be having competitions. ...lately I've been having lack of sleep, dunno how to manage my time to study=.="(oh hey, they have the interact club!):D

Next thursday intervensi I(yeah, there's gonna be II). Exam. for form 1 and 2 syllabus. This is the exam that will determine which class im gonna change(hopefully i can get a better class cuz my class now sucks) I dont know when to study la my timetable are like packed with sleeping and eating and school and tuition time. Homework can already kill my 2 hours everyday. 5am gotta wake up d somemore. omg omg omg zomg.

So this is what you can see as , stress =D(boughtalotofpmrbookswaitingformetofinishbutijustdunnohowzomgzomgzomg)
Went to batu lapan yesterday and saw pancaragam students, only one of them saw me, but i dont think she recognize me teehehehe. the first person i saw in school is spk la, a sign of an unlucky day lolz. i'd wish they started the practice earlier so i could at least listen or take a peek or talk to mr.goh. anyway saw my last year's BC teacher, =D yay she recognized me (duh) too bad i cant get to say goodbye to her since im gonna get those documents and rush back home ;(
went to see my new house today(just going to see how the house is progressing since my grandfather wants to see it). The house almost done with the polishing, xcept for the rooms.(still sad about not having a bigger room D:. my bro took them!) I can see KLCC view from my house, heheheh :D *excited*

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