
Welcome to my blog. You could go ahead and read it or follow me time to time if you like my blog. I will always welcome anyone ;)

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so, enjoy your stay. :)

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Yesterday and today

Yesterday,okay let's talk about ytd >_>

Before school, i went for latihan Laksamana pembarisan,which was around 12.30PM - 2.00PM
The commander, seriously is funny. First off he said
" No matter what happens, we have to be more serious, don't ever look around and laugh. "
* A car passes by *
Commander talking to his friend " WEI, the car dam pretty, what car is it? "(In cantonese)
~ Then they are chatting about the topic ~
Then somehow we laughed.O_____o (Okay let's not talk so detail about the jokes)

Then masa rehat i was doing my duty(which is making sure my group members are doing their duty properly), then one of the group members really REALLY pissed me off==" I got seriously angry and i kinda lose controlxD Well he was actually backstabbing me,infront of the juniors, and somemore calling me nicknames.

TODAY 21 FEB 2009

Kursus Pemimpinan.
7.30 - 8.30 SenamRobik, wow,it's so dang tiring=.=
Then those crapping taklimat.xD Quite funny,especially the penceramah. And i realized my parents buying a bed for me without asking my opinion==" The bed is too...cute lolxD


June - ♥ said...

I wanna see your bed! D: LOL. You said it's cute :3

PainEclipse said...

its too good to be cute-.-